Company security policy  

It is the policy of the company, to provide a secure working environment, by establishing and maintaining the required security measures to prevent unlawful acts against the ship, which endanger the safety and security of persons and property on board company ships.

  Company objectives are to:  

Provide security procedures and practices for ship operations to protect the security of the ship, ports and the wider community.

    Establish safeguards to reduce the security risk to visitors, crew and shore personnel on board the company ships.  

Improve the security skills and awareness of the company and ship board personnel; and


Prepare contingency measures for emergencies relating to possible security incidents.

  The company intends to achieve these objectives by:  

Carrying out a ship security assessment and formulating a security plan specific to each ship.

    Providing comprehensive training in matters pertaining to security and actively promoting security awareness amongst company personnel.  

Carrying out regular reviews and internal audits of the ship board management system of all ships; and


Providing the necessary support to the Company Security Officer (CSO) and Ship Security Officer (SSO) to fulfill their duties in accordance with chapter XI-2 of the 1974 SOLAS convention and parts A and B of the ISPS Code.